Shipping & Return

  1. Lead time required for delivery is seven (7) working days for local address.
  2. Mode of payment: Cash on Delivery or Telegraphic Transfers (goods will be delivered upon the reception of fund transfers).
  3. We apologize that we do not accept personal cheque.
  4. Minimum order for delivery is S$70.00 net. A delivery charge of S$8.00 will be imposed for orders less than S$70.00 net. Alternatively, you may wish to visit us at our warehouse to collect the goods and enjoy a more extensive shopping experience.
  5. All items are subject to prevailing Goods and Service Tax of 7%.
  6. Upon acceptance of goods at the time of delivery, customers are required to check the conditions of all the products thoroughly together with our delivery personnel. It will be deemed and confirmed by the customer that goods are sold to him/her in good in condition once the checking of goods has been done together with our delivery personnel. Goods sold are non-returnable and non-refundable.
  7. Please accept our apologies if the choice of your product is not available at the time of order.
  8. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
  9. Customers are required to provide accurate delivery address, contact information and preferred delivery time. Our delivery personnel will try their best to accede to the preferred delivery time request. However, due to any unforeseen circumstances, we may not be able to fulfil such request therefore our delivery personnel will at that instance contact you to seek another delivery timing.
  10. An effort to contact the customer will be made should the intended recipient fail to be present at the time of delivery. Waiting time on site is strictly not more than 15 minutes. It is deemed that the customer has cancelled the order should he/she cannot be contacted or late for more than 15 minutes from the time our delivery personnel arrives.
  11. For export orders, please email us at